Ecotech Distillation Eliminate Bacteria and Filtration Cost.

[ Our Technology ]

Ecotech dry cleaning machines deliver 100% true load capacity

Ecotech machines are designed to deliver the load and cycle they promise. When we say 50lb, we mean 50lb.

Handle loads at maximum capacity

Most dry cleaning machines handle 80% of their indicated capacity.

70lbs -> 56lb, 50lbs -> 40lbs, 40lbs -> 32lbs

Ecotech machines, however, loads at maximum load capacities. When we say 50lb, we mean 50lb. Even at higher loads, our optimized airflow and RPM technologies ensure a thorough clean with no compromise. Ecotech machines, which handles 50-55 minute loads with out a refrigerator, is the most economical machine in the industry.

Prevent bacteria occurrence

When draining with the Cooking Tank to replace the filter or drain with the Cooking Tank to clean the disk filter, over-boiling occurs due to the moisture accumulated in the filter or disk filter and re- contaminates, so this may also cause bacteria. can

The best way to prevent the occurrence of bacteria is to replace the filter or clean the disk filter at an appropriate time while using a soap with an anti-bacterial agent or an anti-bacterial agent. Since Ecotech Machine uses a new filtering system and Every Load Cooking, a clean solvent is always prepared, so there is no need for a regular filter. Also, since waste is always collected in the cooking tank, you can throw it in the waste container when cleaning the cooking tank.