Ecotech Advanced Technology. Cleanest, Smartest & Toughest.

[More than 26 Years of Experience]

Your Dry Cleaning and Laundry Experts.

Ecotech is a nationally leading dry cleaning manufacturer and supplier of professional wet and dry cleaning machine and equipment. As industry leaders in eco-friendly technologies, Ecotech is always up to date on the latest equipment, cleaning methods, and solutions. We maintain the highest standards of business integrity by strictly following local and national regulations and environmental safety rules. We are passionate about changing the way you think about dry cleaning!

Ian Kim (Sales Director)

Byung Kim (Service Director)

[ Ecofriendly Industrial Machines ]

Industry Leaders in Sustainability

As our name Ecotech suggests, our machines are designed to coexist with a cleaner, healthier environment. Our eco-friendly dry cleaning machines are energy efficient and high quality. Features include:

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[ Our Advantages ]

Why Choose Us

Reduce your Carbon Footprint

WIth custom RPMs and optimized load,our industrial machines are here to save you money and energy

Hydro Carbon Based Machines

Our machines comly with all legal ordinances and are completely Perchloroethylene free

Quality Service Gurantee

More then 26 year of dry cleaning experience.We're here to help to your businesses succeed